Contrastive Analysis of Gerund in English, Romanian and French

Introduction………3     Chapter One. Linguistic Peculiarities of Gerund in Modern English…………...5  1.1. A Diachronic Approach Concerning English Gerund…………5  1.2. Some Attempts at Defining the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb in English……………7  1.2.1.The Double Nature of the Gerund………12  1.2.2. The Voice Distinction of the Gerund and the Anteriority….……13  1.2.3.The Noun Characteristics of English Gerund…………14  1.2.4.Verb Characteristics with Gerund……………15  1.3. The Use of the Gerund………………17  1.4.The Functions of the Gerund in the Sentence…………19  1.4.1.The -ing form as Subject…………19  1.4.2.The -ing form as Predicate…………21  1.4.3.The -ing Form as Part of a Compound Verbal Predicate…………22  1.4.4.The -ing Form as a Second Action Accompanying the Action of the Predicate Verb…23  1.4.5.The -ing form as Predicative…………24  1.4.6.The -ing Form as Subject Predicative……………26  1.4.7.The -ing Form as Objective Predicative…………26  1.4.8.The -ing Form as Object……………27  1.4.9.The -ing Form as Attribute……………31  1.4.10.The -ing Form as Adverbial Modifier…………35  1.4.11.The -ing Form as Part of an Absolute Construction…………39  1.4.12.The -ing form as Parenthesis…………41  1.5. Gerund in Romanian and French…………42     Chapter Two. Contrastive Analysis of Correspondences of Gerund in English, Romanian and French Languages………44  2.1. English Gerund Corresponding to Verbals in Romanian and French ……….44  2.1.1.Gerund……………44  2.1.2.Gerund and Infinitive…………48  2.1.3. Infinitive………………………50  2.1.4.Participle……………………56  2.1.5. Participle and Gerund…………57  2.2. English Gerund Corresponding to Noun in Romanian and French………58  2.3. English Gerund Translated by Past Tenses and Infinitive……….62  2.3.1. Imperfect and Infinitive.…………62  2.3.2.Perfectul Simplu and Infinitive…………64  2.3.3.Perfectul Compus and Infinitive………….65  2.3.4.Mai Mult ca Perfectul and Infinitive…………65  2.4. Specific Ways of Translating the English Gerund…………66  2.4.1.Noun and Infinitive…………66  2.4.2.Conditional and Infinitive………68  2.4.3.Conjunctiv and Infinitive………….69     Conclusions…………76  Bibliography………78

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