Means of expressing possibility and probability in english

Chapter I
1. Mood and modality in English………………….…………………7
1. 2. The difference between Epistemic and Deontic……………..9

Chapter II
2. Modal verbs. General characteristics. Classification…...…..12
2. 1. Modal verbs. General characteristics……………………..…12
2. 2. Modal verbs. Classification………………………………....13

Chapter III
3. Modal verbs expressing possibility and probability in english…………………………………………………………...18
3. 1. Possibility. Probability. Likelihood…………………………18
3. 2. A. Negative possibility, impossibility……………………….20
3. 3. B. Negative possibility, impossibility……………………….22
3. 3. 4. Possibility or permission………………………………….24

Chapter IV
4. Other ways of expressing possibility and probability…………28
4. 1. The Indicative Mood………………………………………...28
4. 2. The Subjunctive Mood………………………………………29
4. 3. The Conditional Mood………………………………………31
4. 4. 1. The Use of Modal Verbs in Conditional Clauses………...34
4. 5. Other Parts of Speech Expressing Possibility ………………35

Chapter V
5. Teaching means of expressing possibility and probability …………………………………………………………...38
Conclusions ………………………………………………………………..46
Bibliography ………………………………………………………..……… 47

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