Introduction: General Remarks Concerning Modality……………………3
Chapter I
                        Levels at Which Modality Is Expressed……………………………7
Chapter II
                        Expressions of Modality Within the Verb Phrase Structure………..15
                                    I Mood………………………………………………………15
                                    The English Moods………………………………………….16
1.      The Indicative Mood…………………………………….18
2.       The Subjunctive Mood…………………………………..19
3.                                                                                                 II Modal Verbs…………………………………………….…20
       Chapter III
                        Other Ways of Expressing Modality in English and Romanian……..31
                                    Lexical and Stylistical Means of
                                    Expressing Modality……………………………………….…40
A.     Modality Achieved by Different
Parts of Speech……………………………………………40
B.     Phraseology……………………………………………….41
C.     Stylistical and Rhetoric Means of
Expressing Modality in English
and Romanian…………………………………………… 42
Chapter IV
                        Teaching Modal Verbs……………………………………………….45
Bibliography………………………………………………………………… 45

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