Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites

I Introduction in the properties of nano-sized particles 
I.1 Specific properties of nanoclusters
I.2 Nano-sized metals embedded in polymers 
II Synthesis of organic-inorganic compounds 
II.1 Metal- polymer syntesis 
II.2 Formation of Colloid Nanoparticles 
II.3 Self-Assembly of Colloid Nanoparticles 
II.4 Sol-Gel Deposition 
II.5 Electrostatic Self-Assembly 
III Optical properties of nano-sized particles 
III.1 The Effect of Quantum Confinement on Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Systems 
III.1.1 Electron in a Quantum Box 
III.1.2 Luminescence 
III.2 Optical Constants of Organic/Inorganic Nanostructures 
III.2.1 Method of Ellipsometry 
III.2.2 Optical Constants of Thin Organic Films 
III.3 Optically Anisotropic Metal–Polymer Nanocomposites 
III.3.1 Applications of dichroic nanocomposites 
IV Experimental studies of the optical properties of organic-inorganic nanocomposites 
IV.1 Influence of nanocrystals on the energy levels and luminescent properties of the polymer matrix in conjugated polymer–dielectric nanocomposites 
V Applications 

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